How to Care for Yourself After Lower Eyelid Surgery

Lower eyelid surgery, or lower blepharoplasty, can significantly improve appearance in a natural way. The aesthetic benefits make this surgery popular among patients.

One key to any successful surgery is a great post-surgery care plan.

If you have a lower eyelid surgery on the horizon and want to know how to follow an excellent after surgery care plan to enhance your results, here are a few tips to aid your healing process.

A Summary of Lower Eyelid Surgery

Blepharoplasty is another name for eyelid surgery.

While a upper blepharoplasty focuses on the upper eyelids, a lower blepharoplasty targets the lower eyelids. Some individuals choose to have a quad blepharoplasty, which involves operating on all four eyelids.

Sleep With Your Head Raised

After your surgery, it's crucial to relax with your head elevated to lessen bruising and swelling. You'll want to get lots of rest in the days after your procedure as sleep boosts your body’s recovery and healing process.

Get Plenty of Rest

It is advisable that you limit the strain you put on your body in the period following your operation in order to maximize the amount of energy that your body can devote to recovery.

By allowing yourself sufficient time to engage in a very restful recovery period, you'll increase the chances of having a successful recovery for your eyelid surgery. Sometimes, this will include significant alterations to your lifestyle and daily habits.

Avoid Strenuous Physical Activity

As mentioned above, it's important to avoid engaging in physical activities that will apply too much strain on your system in the period following eyelid surgery.

Applying too much pressure or strain to any area of the body during this time can disrupt your healing and your results. Your recovery period should be viewed as a time where you treat your body delicately.

Apply Cold Compresses and Eye Drops

Applying a cold pack to the surgery site might help reduce swelling and bruising as well. The blood vessels will constrict and aid healing when cold compression is applied to your eyelid area.

Ice should not be applied directly to the skin; rather, it should be wrapped in a towel or cloth or clean gauze and applied for 15 minutes at a time to the eyelid area. This can yield excellent benefits in the days immediately following your surgery.

Eye drops that are prescribed can also help reduce inflammation as you recuperate from the surgery.

Discussing Your Personal Case

Everyone's experience with blepharoplasty is bound to be different, and each individual case will vary in terms of the surgery and recovery.

You can discuss your aesthetic hopes and aspirations regarding the procedure at your pre-surgical consultation with Dr. Mettu.

This consultation is your personal opportunity to discuss every relevant aspect of your upcoming procedure and discuss your medical history and surgery history.

The Lower Eyelid Experts of Raleigh

The staff at Raleigh Eye and Face Plastic Surgery pride themselves on delivering the highest level of customer service to Raleigh and the rest of North Carolina. If you have a lower blepharoplasty scheduled or are just interested in learning more about the procedure, contact Raleigh Eye and Face today to make an appointment with Dr. Mettu.


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